Salons & Wellness

We are continuously updating our business directory in Northwood Village. If you have a business that is not listed, please message us on Facebook at with the name, address, phone number, website, and social media links to your business. If you see a business that is no longer in business, please message us with that businesses name. Thank you for your help in ensuring we have the most updated list possible for our visitors

Aqua Spa Palm Beach

Beautyfool Hair Salon

Blue Chip Barber Shop

Chubby’s Dog Walk & Pet Care Services

Flow Salon

Herbs and Earth

Jai Bella Boutique hair salon

lvndr life

Mo Betta Braids

Oh! So Eminent Salon Suites

Onblonde Pet Spa & Boutique

Parlour Nolita Beauty Lounge

Salon 5-3-0

Sophisticated Lash & Nail Spa

Soul Movement

Soul Space Yoga & Fitness

The Parlor Nolita Beauty Lounge

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